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Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

CF Fitness & Performance Week 1

Monday 4/15

*Today’s workout is programmed for roughly 3 minutes of work, followed by 3 minutes of rest. Each 3 minute interval should NOT be done as fast as possible, but at a sustainable pace. Modify load/ work accordingly.

CF Fitness

Every 6 Minutes

Station 1; 35/25 Calorie Bike

Station 2; 40 KB Swings -use a challenging weight

Station 3; 35/25 Calorie Row

Station 4; 3 Minute AMRAP: 8 V-ups/ 8 bodyweight air squats

Rest 3 Minutes x2 (2nd set begins on minute 26)


Every 6 Minutes

Station 1; 50/35 Calorie Bike

Station 2; 50 KB Swings 70/53lbs.

Station 3; 50/35 Calorie Row

Station 4; 3 Minute AMRAP: 5 T2B/ 5 Burpees

Rest 3 Minutes x2 (2nd set begins on minute 26)

Tuesday 4/16

CF Fitness

A. Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5

B. Incline Bench Press- 4x10 -Build to a challenging weight, and use for all four sets

C. Box Assisted Chin Ups- 6x6


A. Muscle Snatch 3x5

B. Incline Bench Press- Build to a heavy set of 10, then 2x10@80%

C. Chin Ups- 6x6 *use added weight if able to maintain proficiency

Wednesday 4/17

CF Fitness

A. Goblet Squat 5x10-12/ Box Squat 6x6 *Please see coach about this option.

B. 12 Minute AMRAP:

6 KB Cleans- moderate

10 DB Push Presses- moderate


A. Back Squat- Build to a heavy set of 10, then 2x10@80%

B. 12 Minute AMRAP:

6 Hang Cleans 165/115lbs

10 Strict HSPU

Thursday 4/18

CF Fitness & Performance

A1: 2 Point Supported DB Row x10-12/ side

A2: SA KB High-Knee March x12/ side *Use as heavy a load as possible

Rest no more than 90 seconds X 4 Sets

B. Hip Thrust- 4x8-10 *use around 75% of your 5RM

Friday 4/19

CF Fitness

A. Hang Muscle Clean 3x5

B. Deadlift- 4x10 -Build to a challenging weight, and use for all four sets

C. 3 Rounds for Time;

Row 375/265M

20 DB Snatches -moderate to heavy

20 Suitcase Carry Lunges or step ups (10 L, 10 R)


A. Muscle Clean 3x5

B. Deadlift- Build to a heavy set of 10, then 2x10@80%

C. 3 Rounds for Time;

Row 500/375M

20 DB Snatches 50/35lbs.

20 Suitcase Carry Lunges (10 L, 10 R)

Saturday 4/20

CF Fitness & Performance

With a partner, and only one person working at a time;

60 C2B Pullups/ Pullups/ Jumping C2B/ Jumping Pullups

80 DB Box Step Up and Overs 50/35lbs.

100 (HR) Pushups/ Incline Pushups

120 Wall Balls 20/14lbs.

140 DU’s/ 280 Jump Rope

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