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Bryce Boratko
Sep 22, 20202 min read
The BEST damn pot roast you've never had...
Some people hate it, and some people love it. People that hate it likely have never had it cooked properly and end up unfortunately...
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Bryce Boratko
Jul 7, 20203 min read
To use, or not to use weightlifting straps
The common thought in regards to using weightlifting straps is that 'If you can't hold onto the weight you're trying to lift, then you...
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Bryce Boratko
Apr 2, 20202 min read
1 Set Per Day, AMQRP
Lower body strength is the hardest to maintain with limited access to weight that you would normally use in the gym. This is because this...
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Bryce Boratko
Jan 23, 20203 min read
Carbohydrates- Why & How
Carbohydrates still have a tendency to be blamed for unwanted weight gain. The role of carbohydrates seems to be somewhat misunderstood...
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Bryce Boratko
Jan 6, 20201 min read
Hybrid Powerbuilding- Week 2
*Strength Accessory Work **Increase working load OR reps where able.** Day 1 A: Snatch Variation Triples, 8-10 Working Sets B: Incline...
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Bryce Boratko
Jan 6, 20203 min read
CF Fitness & Performance- Week 2
Monday, 1/6 CF Fitness A: Overhead Strength Work- 4x6-8, Aim to either increase weight, or reps from last week. B: Lower Body, Hip...
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Bryce Boratko
Dec 30, 20191 min read
Hybrid Powerbuilding- Week 1
*The chosen snatch/ clean and overhead variations should be something that will best improve your overall execution of the lift (snatch &...
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Bryce Boratko
Dec 30, 20192 min read
CF Fitness & Performance- Week 1
"Build Your Own Program" Monday, 12/30 CF Fitness A: Overhead Strength Work- 4x6-8 B: Lower Body, Knee Dominant Strength 3x5 C: EMOM......
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Bryce Boratko
Dec 24, 20194 min read
Recomp > Dieting/ 'Cutting'
Body recomposition (recomp) favors improving strength & work capacity over just “weight loss”. A focus on building strength will increase...
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Bryce Boratko
Dec 15, 20191 min read
Hybrid Powerbuilding- Week 12
Day 1: A: Power Snatch- 1RM B: Bench Press- 1RM C: Stiff Legged Deadlift- Build to a heavy set of 3 Day 2: A: Push Press- 1RM C. Box...
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Bryce Boratko
Dec 15, 20192 min read
CF Fitness & Performance- Week 12
Monday 12/16 CF Fitness 7 Minute AMQRP: 5 Strict Pullups (C2B if possible) 5 Strict Dips Rest 3 Minutes Then: Every 3:30 for up to 6...
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Bryce Boratko
Dec 8, 20191 min read
Hybrid Powerbuilding- Week 11
*This week is somewhat of a deload as we will be going heavy next week! Day 1: A: Power Snatch- 6 singles, building based on feel. DO NOT...
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Bryce Boratko
Dec 8, 20192 min read
CF Fitness & Performance- Week 11
Monday 12/9 CF Fitness For Time: 18 Goblet Reverse Lunge -light. 6 Strict Pullups, C2B if possible or HEAVY DB Rows 12 Goblet Reverse...
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Bryce Boratko
Dec 1, 20191 min read
Hybrid Powerbuilding- Week 10
*For any of the ‘building’ exercises, the majority of working sets will be repeating most of the same sets from the previous week or two...
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Bryce Boratko
Dec 1, 20192 min read
CF Fitness & Performance- Week 10
Monday 12/2 CF Fitness For Time: Row 2K/ 1,500M Rest 3 Minutes, then; 20 C2B Pullups, Pullups, or Jumping C2B 30 DB Thrusters *use a...
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Bryce Boratko
Nov 24, 20192 min read
CF Fitness & Performance- Week 9
***This week's schedule changes due to Thanksgiving: -Thursday (Thanksgiving)- Open Gym ONLY @8AM -Friday- 5:30AM Class + Open Gym until...
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Bryce Boratko
Nov 24, 20191 min read
Hybrid Powerbuilding- Week 9
Day 1: A: Power Snatch- 10 singles, building based on feel. B: Press- Build to a heavy double C: Stiff Legged Deadlift- 2x5 *reference,...
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Bryce Boratko
Nov 17, 20191 min read
Hybrid Powerbuilding
***The link to our new line of apparel will CLOSE this Wednesday, November 20th! If you're going to want any new apparel, you need to...
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Bryce Boratko
Nov 17, 20192 min read
CF Fitness & Performance- Week 8
***The link to our new line of apparel will CLOSE this Wednesday, November 20th! If you're going to want any new apparel, you need to...
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Bryce Boratko
Nov 11, 20191 min read
Hybrid Powerbuilding- Week 7
Day 1: A: Power Snatch- 5x2 -building B: Press- 4x3 *use as close to your heavy 5 as possible C: Stiff Legged Deadlift- 3x6-8 -Aim to use...
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