As we begin the new cycle of programming, right now, Fridays will consist of individual priority work in which you can utilize the strength accessory document linked with the weekly post. Or, you can make up strength work that you may have missed earlier in the week. However, the goal on Fridays, at least for the first 6-weeks, is to really build on your aerobic foundation. This is typically best done with sustainable, mono-structural work such as the bike, rower, running, etc. During the first few weeks, you'll have time to work on individually specific strength work, mobility, or makeup, but as the volume of aerobic work increases, you'll eventually have to dedicate the accessory work to open gym times, or after classes. There has been some talk about some members signing up for 5K's, 10K's and even longer distances, so this is something that will help to best prepare. On the other hand for those of you who like competition, an improved aerobic base will only lead to better competition results, and improved training recovery. Now that the next CF Open will be in the fall, time to get as prepared as possible!
Monday 7/8
CF Fitness
A. Seated Press 4x6-8
B. EMOM x 15 Minutes
Station 1: 3-5 Strict Ring Dips or Box Dips with assistance as needed
Station 2: 12 Goblet or Bodyweight Lunges -light to moderate
Station 3: Row 175/130M
A. Z-Press 4x5
B. EMOM x 15 Minutes
Station 1: 4 Ring Muscle Ups
Station 2: 12 Goblet Lunges 70/53lbs
Station 3: Row 200/175M
Tuesday 7/9
CF Fitness
A. Snatch Grip RDL 5x5
B. 3 Rounds for Time:
Run 300M
21 KB Swings
12 Jumping C2B Pullups
A. Snatch Pull + Power Snatch 5(2+2) *based on feel begin working sets around 65% of your best snatch.
B. “Helen”
3 Rounds for Time:
Run 400M
21 KB Swings 24/16kg
12 Pullups
Wednesday 7/10
CF Fitness
A. Hang Power Clean + Push Press (2+2) OTM x20 Minutes
B. Goblet Squat- 4x8-10 Use as close to 50% (BW) as possible
OR; Front Squat- 4x6-8
A. Power Clean + Jerk (1+1) OTM x20 Minutes *use around 65% of your best C&J.
B. Back Squat- 65-70%x10x3
Thursday 7/11
CF Fitness
5 Sets:
Single Arm Overhead Carry x 20ft R, 20ft L -use as heavy a weight as you can carry safely
Bike 15/12 Calories
Bear Crawl Sandbag Drag x 20ft -use a challenging weight
4-5 Sets, NOT FOR TIME:
Handstand Walk x 20ft.
Row 500/375M
Overhead Squat x4 -use a load that you can move proficiently with. The bar must begin on the ground. As long as you’re able to maintain movement quality, you may add weight per set assuming you’ve started at a moderate load
Rest 2-4 Minutes b/t sets as needed
CF Fitness
A. Accessory work OR, strength makeup.
*Choose 1-2 exercises from the strength accessory document.
Row :30
Rest :30 x8
Rest 4 Minutes x2
A. Accessory work OR, strength makeup.
*Choose 1-2 exercises from the strength accessory document.
Bike :30
Rest :30 x8 sets
Rest 4 Minutes x2
*For these sets, it’s necessary to understand what a sustainable pace (for you) is. These are NOT sprints! Track your speed/ power output for each set. Your ability to maintain the same pace for all sets is the goal. “Score” this workout using your average power output. For the erg, use your 500M split. For the bike, use average watts.
Saturday 7/13
CF Fitness
For both REPS & Total Time:
With a partner, and only one person working at a time, complete:
4x300M Relay
15 Minute AMRAP:
4 Dips/ Ring Pushups/ Perfect Pushups/ Incline Pushups
6 Deadlifts -use a moderate load
8 Russian Step Ups -use a challenging weight if possible
*Partners alternate exercises
4x300M Relay
For both REPS & Total Time:
With a partner, and only one person working at a time, complete:
4x400M Relay
15 Minute AMRAP:
4 Strict HSPU’s
6 Deadlifts 185/135lbs.
8 Pistols
*Partners alternate exercises
4x400M Relay