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CF Fitness & Performance- Week 10

Writer's picture: Bryce BoratkoBryce Boratko

Monday 12/2

CF Fitness

For Time:

Row 2K/ 1,500M

Rest 3 Minutes, then;

20 C2B Pullups, Pullups, or Jumping C2B

30 DB Thrusters *use a challenging weight for 6-8 reps

40 Wall Balls


For Time:

Row 3K/ 2,250M

Rest 4 Minutes, then;

20 Ring Muscle Ups

30 Thrusters 135/95lbs

40 Wall Balls 20/14lbs

Tuesday 12/3

CF Fitness

A: Hang Snatch (hip) 10 sets- focus on proficiency and build based on feel

B. 12 Minute AMQRP:

9 Deadlifts- moderate, barbell or kettlebell

6 (Single) KB Cleans

6 Pushups


A: Hang Snatch (knee) + Snatch (1+1) x 10 sets- building. Begin working sets around 75-80% of your best snatch. Build based on feel. The goal here is NO MISSED LIFTS.

B. EMOM x 12 Minutes, for load:

Min 1: 9 Deadlifts

Min 2: 6 Power Cleans

Min 3: 3 Jerks

Wednesday 12/4

CF Fitness

A: Goblet Squat 4x12-15 *aim to increase load from last week.

B: 3 Rounds for Time:

30 KB Swings or Stiff legged KB Deadlift -use a challenging weight

30 Jumping or Reverse Lunges


A: Front Squat- 3x2 building to a heavy double

B. 3 Rounds for Time:

30 KB Swings 70/53lbs

30 Jumping Lunges

Thursday 12/5

CF Fitness

Every 5 Minutes for up to 6 Sets:

12/9 Calorie Bike or Row

60 Jump Rope or 15 Mixed DU’s

12 DB Push Presses- heavy for 7 reps


Every 5 Minutes for up to 6 Sets:

15/12 Calorie Bike

30 DU’s

12 Strict HSPU’s

Friday 12/6

CF Fitness

A: Hang Clean + Jerk- Every 90 seconds x 15 sets- build based on feel and ability to maintain quality movement

B: 9 Minute AMRAP:

10 Weighted Situps or V-ups

8 Box Jumps

6 DB Hang Cleans -light to moderate


A: Clean & Jerk- Every 90 seconds x 15 sets- begin working sets b/t 70-75% of your best c&j, build based on feel. No missed lifts!

B: 9 Minute AMRAP:

10 T2B

8 Box Jumps 24/20in.

6 Hang Cleans 135/95lbs.

Saturday 12/7

CF Fitness

With a partner, and only one person working at a time alternating EACH EXERCISE, complete as many rounds as possible in 20 Minutes of:

8 Ring Rows or Pullups

10 DB Snatches- use a challenging weight

8 KB High Pulls- go heavy here, these are from the floor.


3 Rounds for Time:

25 Pullups

15 Burpee bar hops

10 Snatches

Set 1; 135/95lbs

Set 2; 150/105lbs.

Set 3; 165/115lbs.

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