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Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

CF Fitness & Performance Week 12

Monday 4/8

CF Fitness

A. Goblet Squat- TEST

B. EMOM x 15 Minutes;

Min 1: 8 KB Cleans -use a challenging weight

Min 2: 12 Front Rack, High-Knee March (R arm)

Min 3: 12 Front Rack, High-Knee March (L arm)

*You may use a heavier weight for the march. The weight used for this march should be as heavy as you can hold position with.


A. Front Squat -Build to a 1RM

B. Every 3 Minutes x15 Minutes (5 sets)

Power Clean

*Begin Power Cleans using 70% of your best power clean. Using a descending pattern (5,4,3,2,1) per set, build to a heavy single.

Tuesday 4/9

CF Fitness

A. Hang Snatch (hip) + Overhead Squat (1+1) OTM x15 Minutes

*Only go as low into the overhead squat as you are able to maintain a balanced position. Depth will be different for everyone, and some may NOT be able to achieve full depth. That’s okay!

B. 3 Rounds for Time;

12 DB Snatches- Heavy

12 Pullups: C2B, Kipping, or Jumping Pullups

12 Dips or Pushups


A. Snatch- Build to a 1RM

B. 3 Rounds for Time;

6 Snatches 165/115lbs

6 Ring Muscle Ups

Wednesday 4/10

CF Fitness


Min 1: Row 175/125M

Min 2: 12 Wall Balls

Min 3: 12 KB Swings

*The goal here is to go as long as you can at a sustainable pace and work capacity up to 10 rounds.


Bike 50 Calories

50 Wall Balls 20/14lbs

50 KB Swings 70/53lbs

Rest 10 Minutes x2

Thursday 4/11

CF Fitness

Every 10 Minutes for 30 Minutes;

Min 0: 800M Run

Min 10: 1K Row

Min 20: 50 Calorie Bike


Every 10 Minutes for 30 Minutes;

Min 0: 1 Mile Run

Min 10: 2K Row

Min 20: 100 Calorie Bike

*Depending on how you feel, today’s workout can be pushed, or used as a slower paced recovery session. Based on how many days a week you train, and your goals, discuss with the coach how you should approach this workout. Modify distance/ work capacity if and where necessary.

Friday 4/12

CF Fitness

EMOM x15 Minutes- Hang Clean + Jerk -Build to a challenging, proficient set

Each clean should pass through the squat. If you need to catch in the power position before front squatting, that’s fine.

D. Deadlift- Heavy 5


Clean & Jerk- 1RM

Deadlift- Heavy 3

Saturday 4/13

CF Fitness

21-15-9 Reps for Time;

DB Thrusters- use a weight that’s challenging for 10-12 reps

Jumping C2B Pullups


21-15-9 Reps for Time;

Thrusters 135/95lbs

C2B Pullups

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