Monday 12/16
CF Fitness
7 Minute AMQRP:
5 Strict Pullups (C2B if possible)
5 Strict Dips
Rest 3 Minutes
Every 3:30 for up to 6 Sets:
Row 12/9 Calories
30 Jump Rope or 15 Mixed DU’s
20 KB Swings or KB High Pulls
On a running clock, complete:
Up to 30 Muscle Ups (for time)
Then, at minute 10:
Every 3:30 for up to 6 Sets:
Bike 12/9 Calories
30 DU’s
20 KB Swings 70/53lbs.
*Your ability to get through all six sets should be based on feel, and your ability to maintain a consistent power output. If that is not possible, DO NOT continue!
Tuesday 12/17
CF Fitness
A: Hang Snatch (hip)- Build to a heavy set
B. Hang Clean + Jerk- Build to a heavy set
A: Hang Snatch (knee) + Snatch- Max
B. Clean & Jerk- Max
Wednesday 12/18
CF Fitness
A: Goblet Squat Up to a 25RM @50% Bodyweight
B: 21-15-9 Reps for Time:
DB Thrusters- light
Jumping C2B or Pullups
A: Front Squat- 1RM
B. “Fran”
21-15-9 Reps for Time:
Thrusters 95/65lbs
Thursday 12/19
CF Fitness & Performance
Testing Make-up, OR:
-Recovery Effort-
2 Rounds:
2 Minutes On, 1 Minute Off:
Jump Rope -singles-
Dynamic Handstand Progression
Isometric Hold (L-sit, Ring Support Hold, Handstand Hold/ Support)
Dynamic Muscle Up Progression
*The progressions here are by choice, experience and ability. With the guidance of a coach, the progression you end up practicing should be appropriate for your level of ability, and experience.
Friday 12/20
CF Fitness
A: Deadlift- Build to a heavy 3
B: For Time:
Pushups, or Incline Pushups
A: Deadlift- Build to a heavy 3
B: For Time:
Deadlifts 315/225lbs
Saturday 12/21
CF Fitness
With a partner, and only one person working at a time to complete:
150 Wall Balls
100 Partner situp medicine ball toss
50 DB Hang (squat) Cleans- moderate, each person should be able to get 3-5 reps done every time they pick up the DB’s, but it should be challenging! Teams can have two different pairs of DB’s if needed.
With a partner, and only one person working at a time to complete:
150 Wall Balls 20/14lbs
100 T2B
50 Power Clean & Jerks 185/135lbs.