Link- Strength Accessory Work
Monday 4/22
The goal here is sustainability across all six sets. Each interval should be similar, and consistent.
CF Fitness
Every 6 Minutes x18 Minutes (3 sets)
9 DB Thrusters -light to moderate
12 V-ups or Situps
15 KB Swings -moderate
15/12 Calorie Row
Rest 3 Minutes x2 (Begin at minute 21)
Every 6 Minutes x18 Minutes (3 sets)
9 Thrusters 95/65lbs
12 T2B
15 KB Swings 70/53lbs.
18/14 Calorie Bike
Rest 3 Minutes x2 (Begin at minute 21)
Tuesday 4/23
CF Fitness
A. Hang Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat (3+3)4
B. Incline Bench Press- 5x10 -use the same weight as last week
C. Box Assisted Chin Ups- 6x6
A. Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance (3+3)4
B. Incline Bench Press- Build to a heavy set of 10, then 2x10@85% *If you did not get 10 reps at last week’s heavy set, DO NOT try to go heavier this week. Your drop sets will still be based off your heavy set, but will increase this week.
C. Chin Ups- 6x6 *use added weight if able to maintain proficiency
Wednesday 4/24
CF Fitness
A. Goblet Squat 5x10-12/ Box Squat 6x6 *Please see coach about this option.
B. 21-15-9
Wall Balls
DB Push Presses- use a load that’s heavy for 8 reps
A. Back Squat- Build to a heavy set of 10, then 2x10@85% *If you did not get 10 reps at last week’s heavy set, DO NOT try to go heavier this week. Your drop sets will still be based off your heavy set, but will increase this week.
B. 21-15-9:
Wall Balls 20/14lbs
Strict HSPU
Thursday 4/25
CF Fitness & Performance
A1: Bent Over Row x10-12
A2: Strict Ring Dips 4.4.4, Dips, or Perfect Pushups
Rest no more than 90 seconds X 4 Sets
B. Hip Thrust- 4x8-10 *use around 80% of your 5RM
Friday 4/26
CF Fitness
A. Hang Muscle Clean 3x5
B. Deadlift- 4x10 -Build to a challenging weight, and use for all four sets
C. 4 Rounds for Time;
6 KB Cleans- moderate to heavy
12 Reverse Goblet Lunges
6 Burpees
A. Muscle Clean 3x5
B. Deadlift- Build to a heavy set of 10, then 2x10@85%
C. 4 Rounds for Time;
6 Power Cleans 135lbs.
12 Reverse Front Rack Lunges
6 Burpee Bar Hops
Saturday 4/27
CF Fitness
With a partner, and only one person working at a time alternating every round to complete 10 Rounds of each A & B;
25 Jump Rope
5 Ring Rows or Pullups
10 DB Snatches- moderate
9 (HR) Pushups or Incline Pushups
Rest 5 Minutes
B. Row 12/9 Calories
With a partner, and only one person working at a time alternating every round to complete 14 Rounds of each A & B;
Row 20/15 Calories
Rest 5 Minutes
25 DU’s
5 C2B Pullups
7 Power Snatches 125/85lbs.
9 (HR) Pushups