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Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

CF Fitness & Performance- Week 2

Monday 10/7

CF Fitness

4 Sets

A1: 3-point supported DB Row x10-12/ arm

A2: Perfect Push-ups AMQRP

B. 9 Minute AMRAP:

2 Single KB Cleans

2 Renegade Rows -use a challenging weight

4 Single KB Cleans

4 Renegade Rows

6 Single KB Cleans

6 Renegade Rows

*Continue this pattern for total reps in 9 minutes. KB cleans do include a squat.


4 Sets

A1: Pendlay Row x8-10

A2: Weighted Push-up x8-10

B. 9 Minute AMRAP:

2 Hang Cleans 155/105lbs

1 Bar-Facing Burpees

4 Hang Cleans

2 Bar-Facing Burpees

6 Hang Cleans

3 Bar-Facing Burpees

*Continue this pattern for total reps in 9 minutes. Hang cleans do include a squat.

Tuesday 10/8

CF Fitness

A: Hang Power Snatch (hip) x4, E2MOM x10 Sets

B. E3MOM for up to 15 Minutes (5 Sets)

Row 10/7 Calories

7 C2B Pullups/ Pullups, or 10 Jumping C2B

30 DU’s or 60 Jump Rope


A: Hang Snatch (hip) + Hang Snatch (knee) 1+2 E2MOM x10 Sets

*Begin working sets around 60% of your best snatch. You may build in weight/ set based on feel, but movement proficiency here is the priority. DO NOT go heavier than 70%. There should be NO MISSED LIFTS here.

B. E3MOM for up to 15 Minutes (5 Sets)

Bike 10/7 Calories

5 Ring MU’s

30 DU’s

Wednesday 10/9

CF Fitness

A: Goblet Squat 4x12-15

OR; Box Front Squat 3x5-7@32X1

B. RDL 3x8-10

C. 10 Minute AMRAP:

5 DB Push Presses- Heavy

10 Wall Balls


A: Pause Front Squat 63%x5-7@32X1 x3 sets

B. RDL 3x8-10

C. 10 Minute AMRAP:

25 Strict HSPU

50 Wall Balls 20/14lbs.

Thursday 10/10

CF Fitness

A: Choice of mobility/ Individual Make-up, or Accessory Work

B. E2MOM x30 Minutes (4 Sets)

Station 1; Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (3+2+2) -You may build based on feel

Station 2; Bike 30 seconds for calories- moderate

Station 3; 15 V-ups, or situps

Station 4; Rest


A: Choice of mobility/ Individual Make-up, or Accessory Work

B. E2MOM x30 Minutes (4 Sets)

Station 1; Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk 60-70%(1+1+2) -You may build based on feel

Station 2; Row 200/150M

Station 3; 15 T2B

Station 4; Rest

*Today’s workouts are not meant to be hard! They are designed to keep you moving, but not overly fatiguing for those who are doing the ‘Open’ on Friday. Modify accordingly where appropriate.

Friday 10/11

TBD- based on the CF Open

Saturday 10/12

TBD- based on the CF Open

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