Monday, 1/6
CF Fitness
A: Overhead Strength Work- 4x6-8, Aim to either increase weight, or reps from last week.
B: Lower Body, Hip Dominant Strength 2x5 *This would be the same strength variation that you did last Thursday, 1/2.
C: E2MOM x 18 Minutes (3 Sets)
Station 1: 15 DB Push Presses -go a bit heavier than you did on Thursday, 1/2
Station 2: Bike 60 seconds, moderate pace
Station 3: 20 Wall Balls
A: Jerk 3x5- try to increase the load on working sets from last week
B: Lower Body, Hip Dominant Strength 2x5 *This would be the same strength variation that you did last Thursday, 1/2.
C: E2MOM x 18 Minutes (3 Sets)
Station 1: 15 Strict HSPU *use the same deficit as last week if you got completed the full volume.
Station 2: Row 500/375M
Station 3: 30 Wall Balls 20/14lbs.
Tuesday, 1/7
CF Fitness
A: DB Snatch 10x6 -building to your heaviest, proficient set of 6 over 10 working sets.
B: 4 Rounds for Time:
15 KB Swings or Stiff Legged KB Deadlift
15 Incline Pushups
15 Jumping C2B Pullups
*20 Minute Cap
A: Individualized Snatch Work- the goal of this cycle is to improve the full lift. Use a snatch variation, or complex to address individual technical errors with the guidance of the coach. Track 10 working sets.
B. 4 Rounds for Time:
15 KB Swings 70/53lbs
15 (HR) Pushups
15 Pullups
*20 Minute Cap
Wednesday, 1/8
CF Fitness
A: Lower, Knee Dominant Strength 3x8-10
B. Every 3 Minutes x 3 sets;
Station 1:
9 Deadlifts or KB Deadlifts
10 NPU Burpees
35 Jump Rope or 15 Mixed DU’s
Station 2:
Row 12/9 Calories
15 Air Squats
12 Weighted Situps or Hanging Knee Raises
A: Lower, Knee Dominant Strength 3x10
B. Every 3 Minutes x 3 sets;
Station 1:
9 Deadlifts 215/150lbs
10 Burpee Bar Hops
35 DU’s
Station 2:
Bike 12/9 Calories
20 Air Squats
12 T2B
Thursday, 1/9
CF Fitness
A: Hang Power Clean 5x5 *aim to increase the weight a bit from last week
B. 12 Minute AMRAP:
6 Renegade Rows- moderate to heavy
5 DB Snatches- moderate to heavy, or Hang Power Snatches
7 Box Jumps or Step Ups
A: Power Clean 4x5 *use the same load as last week
B. 12 Minute AMRAP:
3 Muscle Ups
5 Hang Power Snatches 95/65lbs.
7 Box Jumps 24/20in.
Friday, 1/10
Today’s ‘Hip Dominant’ variation should not be the same movement that you did on Monday. Often, unilateral variations are better suited (for most) for these higher-volume, ‘lighter’ days.
CF Fitness
A: 3-5 Sets, AMQRP: Horizontal Push Variation; Dips, Pushups, Incline Pushups
B: Lower, Hip Dominant Strength 2x12-15
C: 3 Rounds for Time:
6 DB Hang Clean Thrusters- light to moderate, reference last week.
20 Alternating SL Squat-to-box or Step Up
24 DB Chainsaw Rows (12R/12L)
A: 4 Sets, Ring Dips AMQRP
*If able to get 10-12 reps under strict control, use added weight.
B: Lower, Hip Dominant Strength 2x12-15
C: 3 Rounds for Time:
Hang Clean + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (1+1+2+2) 165/115lbs
20 Alternating Pistols
24 DB Chainsaw Rows (12R/12L) 55/40+lbs.
Saturday, 1/11
CF Fitness
With a partner, alternate EACH exercise to complete as many rounds and *quality reps as possible in 24 minutes.
12 KB High Pulls- Go as heavy here as you can maintain proper movement.
9 Ring or Inverted Rows
6 Goblet Squats- Go as heavy here as you can maintain proper movement.
For Time, and Reps:
20/15 Calorie Bike
8 C2B Pullups
8 Thrusters 85/60lbs.
20/15 Calorie Bike
9 C2B Pullups
9 Thrusters
20/15 Calorie Bike
10 C2B Pullups
10 Thrusters
20/15 Calorie Bike
11 C2B Pullups
11 Thrusters
20/15 Calorie Bike
12 C2B Pullups
1 Set; Max Reps, Unbroken Thrusters
*Your ‘score’ for this workout is the time when you pick up the bar for your LAST (unbroken) set of thrusters for which you will also score the number of (UB) reps.