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CF Fitness & Performance- Week 3

Writer's picture: Bryce BoratkoBryce Boratko

Monday, 7/22

CF Fitness

A. Seated Press 4x6-8- aim to increase either load or volume based on feel

B. 5 Sets, no rest:

8 Ring, or inverted Rows

10 DB Snatches- HEAVY, choose a weight that feels heavy

25 Jump Rope, or 12 Mixed DU’s


A. Z-Press 4x5- aim to increase either load, or volume based on feel.

B. 5 Sets, no rest:

8 Strict Pullups

10 DB Snatches- HEAVY, choose a weight that feels heavy

25 DU’s

Tuesday, 7/23

CF Fitness

A. Snatch Grip RDL 5x5- based on feel, aim to increase working sets by 5-10lbs

B. 2 Rounds For Time:

10 Ring Dips or Box Dips

15 DB Push Presses- use a load that’s heavy for 8 reps

20 Wall Balls


A. Snatch Pull + Power Snatch 5(2+2) *based on feel begin working sets around 65-70% of your best snatch.

B. 2 Rounds For Time:

10 Ring Muscle Ups

20 Strict HSPU’s

30 Wall Balls 20/14lbs

Wednesday 7/24

CF Fitness

A. Goblet Squat- 4x8-10 Use as close to 50% (BW) as possible

OR; Front Squat- 4x5

B. 3 Rounds, EACH for time:

Row 15/12 Calories

20 KB Swings- moderate

20 Russian Step Ups (10/ R, 10/ L)


A. Back Squat- 70-74%x10x3

B. In 90 seconds

Bike 10/7 Calories

15 KB Swings 70/53lbs

AMRAP Hang Cleans 135/95lbs

Rest 90 seconds x3

Thursday 7/25

CF Fitness

A. Hang Power Clean + Push Press (1+1) OTM x15 Minutes *Reference last week and aim to improve either load, or volume of last week’s heaviest set.

B. 15 Minute AMRAP:

4 Deadlifts, or KB Deadlifts- moderate to heavy

8 Perfect Pushups or Incline Pushups

6 Box Jumps


A. Power Clean + Jerk (1+1) OTM x15 Minutes *Begin b/t 65-70% of your best C&J. You may build on load, but technique proficiency is the priority.

B. 15 Minute AMRAP:

4 Deadlifts 225/ 155lbs

8 Perfect Pushups

6 Box Jumps 24/20in.

Friday 7/26

CF Fitness

A. Accessory work OR, strength makeup.

*Choose 1-2 exercises from the strength accessory document.

B. Row :30

Rest :30 x10

Rest 5 Minutes x3


A. Accessory work OR, strength makeup.

*Choose 1-2 exercises from the strength accessory document.

B. Bike :30

Rest :30 x10 sets

Rest 5 Minutes x3

*For these sets, it’s necessary to understand what a sustainable pace (for you) is. These are NOT sprints! Track your speed/ power output for each set. Your ability to maintain the same pace for all sets is the goal. “Score” this workout using your average power output. For the erg, use your 500M split. For the bike, use average watts.

Saturday 7/27

CF Fitness

For Time:

Run 300M

10 DB Thrusters- light to moderate

15 Situps- if situps are too easy, upscale to either weighted situps, or V-ups

Run 300M

10 DB Thrusters- light to moderate

15 Situps- if situps are too easy, upscale to either weighted situps, or V-ups

Run 300M

10 DB Thrusters- light to moderate

15 Situps- if situps are too easy, upscale to either weighted situps, or V-ups

Run 300M


For Time:

Run 400M

21 Thrusters 95/65lbs.

21 T2B

Run 400M

15 Thrusters

15 T2B

Run 400M

9 Thrusters


Run 400M

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