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Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

CF Fitness & Performance Week 4

Monday 2/11

CF Fitness

A. Barbell Glute Bridge 5x10 *pause at the top of each rep, increase loading from last week

B. For Time;

Row 750/ 500M

40 Deadlifts -moderate to heavy for 8 reps

30 Jumping C2B or Jumping Pullups


A.Hip Thrust 5x6-8 *try to increase load from last week

B. For Time;

Row 1K/ 750M

40 Deadlifts 265/185lbs.

30 Pullups

Tuesday 2/12

CF Fitness

A. Overhead Squat/ Snatch Press Progression- Find the most challenging but sustainable depth you can achieve using progressive sets of 4-6 reps at a time. Based on your restrictions, superset with appropriate mobility work (this will be discussed in class). Snatch Press Progressions

B. Goblet Squat TEST


A. 3 Position Sn. Deadlift (1in., knee, upper mid-thigh) + Snatch (2+1) x8 sets, begin your first working set around 70% and build based on feel and proficiency

B. Front Squat + Back Squat 70%(4+6)x4 *intensity based off front squat max

Wednesday 2/13

CF Fitness

Every 7 Minutes x 4 Sets;

Bike 30/22 Calories

30 KB Swings

20 Wall Balls

*Modify exercise volume if and where necessary.


Every 7 Minutes x 4 Sets;

Bike 40/30 Calories

30 KB Swings 70/53lbs.

20 Wall Balls 20/14lbs.

Thursday 2/14

CF Fitness

A. Reverse Lunge or Russian Step Up 3x20 *use added weight in each hand if possible, aim to improve loading from last week

B. For Time;

15 Strict C2B Pullups, Pullups, or Ring/ Inverted Row

30 DB Snatches -aim to try to go a bit heavier than last week

30 DB Push Presses


A. Reverse Lunge 1x20 -Build to a load that you can proficiently complete 20 steps with AHAP.

B. For Time;

10 Muscle Ups

20 Power Snatches 155/105lbs.

30 HSPU’s

Friday 2/15

CF Fitness

A1. Thruster 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3

A2. AMQRP Ring Rows

B. In 10 Minutes, continue the pattern for total reps:

3 KB Cleans -moderate

3 Burpees

12 Mixed DU’s or 50 Jump Rope

6 KB Cleans

6 Burpees

12 Mixed DU’s or 50 Jump Rope

9 KB Cleans

9 Burpees

12 Mixed DU’s or 50 Jump Rope


A. Thruster- Build to a heavy single over 10 working sets. Based on previous weeks, begin your first of 10 sets around the load you used for your sets of ‘5’ from the weeks prior.

B. AMQRP: Strict Pullups

C. In 10 Minutes, continue the pattern for total reps:

3 Power Cleans 185/135lbs

3 Burpee Bar Hops

25 DU’s

6 Power Cleans

6 Burpee Bar Hops

25 DU’s

9 Power Cleans

9 Burpee Bar Hops

25 DU’s

Saturday 2/16

*WinterFest Competition*

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