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  • Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

CF Fitness & Performance Week 5

Monday, May 13th

CF Fitness

A1: Romanian Deadlift x6-8 -building

A2: Bulgarian Split Squat, or Russian Step Up x6-8/ Leg -use DB’s in each hand, held at the sides

Rest 90 sec to 2 Minutes between sets x4

*Though the RDL builds over the course of 4 sets, still begin your first set with a challenging load…

B. 3 Rounds for Time:

20 KB Swings

15 Wall Balls

10 Deadlifts


A1: Romanian Deadlift x5 -building

A2: Bulgarian Split Squat x6-8/ Leg -use DB’s in each hand, held at the sides

Rest 90 sec to 2 Minutes between sets

*Though the RDL builds over the course of 5 sets, still begin your first set with a challenging load…

B. 3 Rounds for Time:

30 KB Swings 70/53lbs.

20 Wall Balls 20/14lbs.

10 Deadlifts 225/155lbs.

Tuesday, May 14th

CF Fitness

A. Every 2 Minutes x4 Sets; Hang Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat (1+1)- building

B. Every 3 Minutes x4 Sets; Overhead Squat x3 -use the same weight for ALL working sets

C. For Time;

30 DB Push Presses- warm up to a weight that’s challenging for 6-8 reps

20 Calorie Row

30 DB Snatches- moderate


A. Every 2 Minutes x4 Sets; Power Snatch + Snatch Balance (1+1)- building

B. Every 3 Minutes x4 Sets; Snatch x3 -begin your working sets around 70%. Build by feel, and ability to maintain proficiency.

C. For Time;

30 Strict HSPU’s

30 Calorie Bike

30 Power Snatches 135/95lbs

Wednesday May 15th

CF Fitness

A. Goblet Squat- 5x12-15

B. 8 Minute AMRAP:

20 DB Thrusters -light to moderate

15 Jumping C2B, or Jumping Pullups


A. Back Squat- Build to a heavy set of 8, then; 2x8@90%(of heavy 8) *If you hit a new 10RM last week, depending on feel, either match or slightly increase the weight for this week.

B. 8 Minute AMRAP;

20 Thrusters 95/65lbs

15 Pullups

Thursday, May 16th

CF Fitness

A. Hang Power Clean + Push Press + Jerk- Build to a challenging weight over 10 sets

B. For 12 minutes, follow & continue the pattern below to accumulate as many quality reps as possible of;

4 V-ups, or Situps

4 KB High Pulls

6 V-ups, or Situps

6 KB High Pulls


A. Power clean + Jerk- Build to a heavy set. Based on feel, aim to finish heavier than last week

B. For 12 minutes, follow & continue the pattern below to accumulate as many quality reps as possible of;

2 T2B

2 Devil’s Presses 50/35lbs.

4 T2B

4 Devil’s Presses

6 T2B

6 Devil’s Presses

Friday, May 17th

CF Fitness

Every 10 Minutes X 3 Sets

Row 750/500M

30 Walking Lunges -use added weight if possible

12 Burpee Box Jump Overs/ Step ups


Every 10 Minutes X 3 Sets

Row 1K/ 750M

30 SA Overhead Lunges (15L/15R) 50/35lbs

12 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20in.

Saturday, May 18th

CF Fitness

With a partner, and only one person working at a time,

10X 75M Relay Row

20 Strict Pullups or Ring Rows

30 Shoulder to Overhead- use a weight that’s challenging for 5-6 reps

40 Single leg squats to box

50 Goblet Squats- use a weight that’s challenging for 5-6 reps

60 Calorie Bike


With a partner, and only one person working at a time,

10X 100M Relay Row

20 Muscle Ups

30 Power Jerks 155/105lbs

40 Pistols

50 Front Squats

60 Calorie Bike

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