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  • Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

CF Fitness & Performance Week 6

*Don't forget to input your 19.1 scores by 8pm today!

Monday 2/25

CF Fitness

A. Barbell Glute Bridge 5x8-10 -increase loading from last week

B. 5 Rounds for Time:

5 Deadlifts- moderate to heavy

7 Box Jumps

9 DB Push Presses- Heavy for 6 reps


A.Hip Thrust 5x4-5 *try to increase load from last week if possible

B. 5 Rounds for Time:

5 Deadlifts 305/215lbs

7 Box Jumps 24/20in.


Tuesday 2/26

CF Fitness

Hang Power Snatch (hip) + Overhead Squat (1+1)

*Over 10 working sets, build to a challenging load with a primary focus on movement proficiency. Only go as low into the overhead squat as you are able to maintain a balanced position. Depth will be different for everyone, and some may NOT be able to achieve full depth. That’s okay!

B. Goblet Squat 4x8-10 -go as heavy as your movement proficiency will allow here. These should be very challenging.


Pause Snatch (knee)- Build to a heavy single over 10 sets

*Begin working sets around 70%

B. Reverse Lunge 3x12 -try to increase loading from last week

Wednesday 2/27

CF Fitness

Every 7 Minutes x 3 Sets;

Row 20/15 Calories

12 V-ups or 15 Situps

10 Burpees

9 KB Cleans- moderate


Every 7 Minutes x 3 Sets;

Bike 25/19 Calories

15 T2B

12 Burpees

9 Power Cleans 155/105lbs.

Thursday 2/28

CF Fitness

A. Thruster- 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2

B. Skill Work…

Use the time here to focus on specific skills associated with the CF Open


A. Thruster- Build to a heavy single from the floor

B. Skill Work…

Use the time here to focus on specific skills associated with the CF Open

Friday 3/1

TBD- 19.2

Saturday 3/2

TBD- based on 19.2

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