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Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

CF Fitness & Performance Week 8

Monday 3/11

CF Fitness

A. Goblet Squat- TEST- 25 Reps @50% BW. There are two options if you’re unable to complete the 25 rep test. Use the most challenging load possible even though it may be less than 50%BW for 25 perfect reps. Or, warm up to and complete as many quality reps as possible with 50%BW.

B. 4 Sets;

In 90 Seconds

Row 150/115M

AMRAP DB Thrusters

Rest 3 Minutes


Front Squat + Back Squat- Build to a heavy (1+AMQRP)

B. 4 Sets;

In 90 Seconds

Row 200/150M

AMRAP DB Thrusters 50/35lbs.

Rest 3 Minutes

Tuesday 3/12

CF Fitness

A. Hang Power Snatch (hip) + Overhead Squat (1+1)

*Over 10 working sets, build to a challenging load with a primary focus on movement proficiency. Only go as low into the overhead squat as you are able to maintain a balanced position. Depth will be different for everyone, and some may NOT be able to achieve full depth. That’s okay!

B. For Time;

3 Box Dips or Perfect Pushups

4 Deadlifts- reference last week’s loading and aim to go 5-10lbs. heavier if possible

6 Box Dips or Pushups

5 Deadlifts

9 Box Dips or Pushups

6 Deadlifts

12 Box Dips or Pushups

4 Deadlifts

9 Box Dips or Pushups

5 Deadlifts

6 Box Dips or Pushups

6 Deadlifts

3 Box Dips or Pushups


A. Pause Snatch (knee)- Build to a 1RM over 10 sets

*Begin working sets around 75%

B. For Time;

3 Ring Dips Strict

4 Deadlifts 315/225lbs

6 Ring Dips

5 Deadlifts

9 Ring Dips

6 Deadlifts

12 Ring Dips

4 Deadlifts 335/235lbs

9 Ring Dips

5 Deadlifts

6 Ring Dips

6 Deadlifts

3 Ring Dips

Wednesday 3/13

CF Fitness & Performance

EMOM x 30 Minutes

Station 1: (15/12)(10/7) Calorie Bike

Station 2: 7 Hang Cleans 155/105lbs

Station 3: 9 C2B Pullups/ Pullups/ Ring Rows

Station 4: 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20in.

Station 5: 40 DU’s

Station 6: 15 KB Swings 70/53lbs.

*Modify load or exercise volume appropriately (if needed) for your ability.

Thursday 3/14

CF Fitness

A. Barbell Glute Bridge 5x6-8

B. Skill Work…

Use the time here to focus on specific skills, make up strength work from a previous day of the week.


A. Hip Thrust 5RM

B. Skill Work…

Use the time here to focus on specific skills associated with the CF Open

Friday 3/15

TBD- 19.4

Saturday 3/16

TBD- based on 19.4

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