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Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

CF Fitness & Performance Week 9

Monday 3/18

CF Fitness

A. Goblet Squat- 5x8-10 AHAP

B. For Time;

50 KB Swings -moderate to heavy for 10 reps

50 Wall Balls


A. Front Squat + Back Squat- Build to a heavy (1+AMQRP) *Over the next three weeks, this exercise complex won’t change. Based on feel, try to improve either intensity OR quality reps.

B. For Time;

75 KB Swings 70/53lbs.

75 Wall Balls

Tuesday 3/19

CF Fitness

A. Hang Snatch (hip) + Overhead Squat (1+1) OTM x15 Minutes

*Only go as low into the overhead squat as you are able to maintain a balanced position. Depth will be different for everyone, and some may NOT be able to achieve full depth. That’s okay!


A. Snatch- Build to a heavy single, then 90%(of HS)x1x4

B. CF Fitness & Performance

3 Rounds, each for reps

90 second AMQRP C2B Pullups/ Pullups/ Inverted Row

60 second AMQRP Ring Dips/ Dips/ Perfect Pushups/ Incline Pushups

30 second AMRAP High Box Jump 30/24in.

Rest 60 seconds

*Modify exercise, position, and/ or height according to your ability

Wednesday 3/20

CF Fitness

Every 3:30 x4 sets

Row 150M

10 KB High Pulls -moderate

12 DB Thrusters -moderate


Every 3:30 x3-5 Sets

Bike 10/7 Calories

10 Burpee Bar Hops

10 Thrusters 125/85lbs.

*Push your pace on these sets. They should be uncomfortable! DO NOT continue if you cannot maintain intensity.

Thursday 3/21

CF Fitness

A. Barbell Glute Bridge 5x5

B. Skill Work…

Use the time here to focus on specific skills associated with the CF Open


A. Hip Thrust 4x4 -use a weight as close to your 5RM as possible

B. Skill Work…

Use the time here to focus on specific skills associated with the CF Open

Friday 3/22

TBD- 19.5

Saturday 3/23

TBD- based on 19.5

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