*Unless specified otherwise, if a particular exercise has not changed from the week prior, it is assumed that you are EITHER adding weight, or reps to the programmed working sets. If the set volume has increased from the week prior, DO NOT increase the load! Keep the same intensity as the week before.
Day 1:
A: Power Snatch- 6x3 building, reference last week’s loading
B: Bench Press- 4x4 use as close to your ‘heavy 5’ as possible
C: Stiff Legged Deadlift- 3x8 -Add 5-10lbs to last week’s results
D: DB Lateral Raise 4x10-12
Day 2:
A: Push Press- 5x2 building, aim to hit your heavy double during your five working sets based on feel.
B: Pendlay Row 3x8-10
C. Box Squat 5x5 w/93-98% of 6RM
D: DB Fly 3x12-15
Day 3:
A: Power Clean + Jerk 2(1+1) x5 building, reference last week’s loading
B: Dips 3x8 -use a band for assistance if needed, or add weight if possible
C: Snatch Grip Deadlift- 4x4 -use around 93-98% of your 5RM Floating Deadlift.