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  • Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

CF Fitness & Performance- Week 5

Updated: Feb 18, 2019

Have you registered for the CrossFit Open? It begins this week! Get more info; CLICK HERE!

Monday 2/18

CF Fitness

A. Barbell Glute Bridge 5x8-10 *try to increase weight from last week.

B. 3 Rounds for Time:

15 Mixed DU's or 60 Jump Rope

20 Wall Balls

10 Deadlifts -use a weight that feels heavy for 6 reps


A. Hip Thrust 5x5

B. 3 Rounds for Time:

30 DU's

20 Wall Balls 20/14lbs.

10 Deadlifts 275/195lbs

Tuesday 2/19

CF Fitness

A. Hang Power Snatch (hip) + Overhead Squat (1+1)

*Over 10 working sets, build to a challenging load with a primary focus on movement proficiency. Only go as low into the overhead squat as you are able to maintain a balanced position. Depth will be different for everyone, and some may NOT be able to achieve full depth. That’s okay!

B. Goblet Squat 4x8-10 -go as heavy as your movement proficiency will allow here. These should be very challenging.


A. Pause Snatch (knee)- Build to a heavy single over 10 sets

*Begin working sets around 70%

B. Front Squat + Back Squat 75%(2+4)x4 *intensity based off front squat max

Wednesday 2/20

CF Fitness

Every 7 Minutes x 3 Sets;

Row 15/12 Calories

10 DB Thrusters- light to moderate

20 KB Swings

10 Thrusters

Row 15/12 Calories


Every 7 Minutes x 3 Sets;

Row 20/15 Calories

10 Thrusters 95/65lbs.

20 KB Swings 70/53lbs.

10 Thrusters

Row 20/15 Calories

Thursday 2/21

CF Fitness

A. Reverse Lunge or Russian Step Up 3x16 *use added weight in each hand if possible, aim to improve loading from last week

B. Skill Work…

Use the time here to work on improving skills associated with this week’s CrossFit Open announcement.


A. Reverse Lunge 3x12 -Build to a load that you can proficiently complete sets of 12 (total) steps as heavy as movement proficiency will allow.

B. Skill Work…

Use the time here to work on improving skills associated with this week’s CrossFit Open announcement.

Friday 2/22

TBD- 19.1

Saturday 2/23

TBD- based on 19.1

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