Day 1
A. Incline Bench Press 5x5 use your 10RM+ for your working sets
B. Single Arm DB Row (heavy) 5x10-12/ arm *Try to keep the same loading as in week 8
C. Walking Lunge 4x20 Steps *Stay at the same load as in week 8
Day 2
A. Press 5x5- use as close to your 10RM loading as possible
B. Weighted Chins 4x3-4
C. Front Squat 3x3- based on last week, try to improve either load or volume based on feel
Day 3
Power Clean 10x2 -building, reference week 6
Weighted Pushups 5x6-8
Pendlay Row 4x5 *Try to go heavier than week 8
Day 1
A. Hang Snatch (Hip) + Snatch (1+1)- building to a heavy set over 4-6 working sets
B. Clean Pull 115% of clean x2x2
C. Front Squat- 3x2- aim to add from last week if possible
Day 2
A. Hang Clean (Hip) + Jerk (1+1)- build to a heavy set over 4-5 working sets
B. 3-position (1in., Knee, upper mid-thigh) Snatch Deadlift- 115% of snatch x2x2
C. Pendlay Row 3x5
Day 3
A. Pause Snatch + Snatch - Build to a heavy set
B. Pause Clean + Clean + Jerk- Build to a heavy set
C. Back Squat 2x4-5- Referencing last week, push the loading here.