*Unless specified otherwise, if a particular exercise has not changed from the week prior, it is assumed that you are EITHER adding weight, or reps to the programmed working sets. If the set volume has increased from the week prior, DO NOT increase the load! Keep the same intensity as the week before.
Day 1:
A: Muscle Snatch 5x2 -building
B: Stiff Legged Deadlift 4x8-10
C: Press 3x4-5 -reference week 1 and aim to increase load if possible.
D: DB Lateral Raise 4x12-15
Day 2:
A: Incline Bench Press- Heavy 10, then; 3x6-8@(heavy 10)
B: Meadow’s Row 4x10-12/ arm
C. Box Squat 6x6
D: DB Fly 4x15 *DO NOT increase weight here, you should still be using the same weight as either week one, or two, and focusing on control.
Day 3:
A: Hang Power Clean + Jerk (2+2) x5 -building
B: Dips 4x12-15 -use a band for assistance if needed
C: Snatch Grip Floating Deadlift 5x5
D: Lying Hamstring Curl 4x15-20
Day 1
A: Snatch High Pull + Snatch (2+1) x5 -use 63-70% of your best snatch for your working sets
B: Muscle Clean + Press (2+5) x4 -pressing strength is going to be the limiting factor here. Warm up to something that you can move well, leaving 2 reps in reserve.
C: Reverse Front Racked Barbell Lunge 35%(of squat)x18x3
Day 2
A: Deficit Snatch Deadlift + Floating Snatch 70-75%(1+1) x5
B: 3-position pausing clean pull to clean (1in., knee, mid-thigh) + Pause Jerk (1+1) x4 -due to the challenge of maintaining correct positioning. Loading here will be more so by feel than a percentage. Try to be in the range of 65-75%.
Day 3
No hook, no feet Snatch- heavy single
No hook, no feet C&J- heavy single
Back Squat 70%x8-10x3