Day 1
*Do NOT do any accessory work this week. Use this week to get some measurable numbers and de-load the volume and intensity.
A. Incline Bench Press- 10RM
B. Farmer’s Carry- 80ft. X 3 sets --Load this as heavy as possible. Rest 2-3 Minutes between sets.
Day 2
A. Push Press- 5RM
B. Back Squat- 10RM
Day 3
A. Deadlift- Build to a heavy 8
B. Bench Press- Heavy 8
C. EZ Grip Bar Skull Crushers 3x10
Day 1
A. Tall Snatch- Build to a heavy set
B. Tall Clean + Power Jerk- Build to a heavy set
C. Pause Front Squat- Heavy 2
Day 2
A. Hang Power Snatch- Heavy 2
B. Hang Power Clean- Heavy 2
C. Back Squat- 10RM
Day 3
A. Snatch- Heavy 4
B. Clean + Jerk- Heavy (3+2)