Day 1:
A. Incline Bench Press 10RM
B. Single Arm DB Row (heavy) 4x8-10/ arm *Try to go heavier than week 2
C. Walking Lunge 2x20 Steps *try to go heavier than you did in week 2
Day 2:
A. Press 10RM
B. Weighted Chins 5x4-5@30X1
C. Front Squat -Build to a heavy 5
Day 3:
A. Deadlift -Build to a heavy set of 5 for the day
B. Weighted Pushups 5x8-10
C. Pendlay Row 4x6-8 *Try to go heavier than week 2
Day 1:
A. Muscle Snatch + OHS (1+1) -build to a max
B. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press 3x3
C. Front Squat -Heavy 5
Day 2:
A. Muscle Clean + Press (1+1) -build to a max
B. 3-position (1in., Knee, upper mid-thigh) Snatch Deadlift- 90% of snatch x3x4
C. Pendlay Row 4x8-10
Day 3:
A. Hang Snatch (hip) -4RM
B. Hang Clean (hip) + Power Jerk- build to a heavy (2+2)
C. Back Squat 10RM
*Unless indicated, aim to increase working sets on all exercises by 5-10lbs where applicable. If unable, add another working set.