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Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

Week 2

*November Mini-Clinic* -On Thursday, November 29th, Jamie Mey from Elite Physical Therapy in Attleboro will be running our November mini-clinic in place of the normally scheduled 6:30PM class. She will be going through strategies, and best practices on reducing injury risk and increasing mobility & flexibility. There will be a link posted this week to register for those interested!

Monday 11/5/18 CF Fitness A1; Press x8-10, Rest 20 sec *Reference 10/29, you will be able to lift a bit heavier in a standing position A2; 3 Point Supported DB Row x8-10 EACH arm, Rest 2 Min x4 Sets B. EMOM x15 Minutes Min1: 8-10 DB Push Presses -moderate to heavy for 10 reps Min2: Bike 30 seconds for calories Min3: 6 DB Hang Cleans -use a moderate weight for 6 reps

Performance A. Press 5x6 -bar is cleaned from floor. Build to a load that is challenging but still allows for proficient pressing technique. Use the SAME load as last week across ALL working sets. B. EMOM x15 Minutes Min1: 6-8 HSPU’s Min2: Bike 9/6 Calories Min3: 5 Power Cleans @60%

Tuesday 11/6/18 CF Fitness A. Hang Muscle Snatch 4x5 B. Snatch Grip RDL 5x6 C. 8 Minute AMRAP: 6 DB Snatches -moderate to heavy for 6 reps. 4 Burpees

Performance A. Muscle Snatch 4x5 B. Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch 65-70% (3+2) x5 C. 8 Minute AMRAP: 4 Hang Power Snatches 95/65lbs. 4 Burpee Bar Hops

***CF Fitness & Performance; Use the same working loads as last week for parts A and B.***

Wednesday 11/7/18 CF Fitness A. Squat 5x12-15 *If you are just starting out, or have not successfully completed the squat test, continue to train and improve the goblet squat. Use the SAME load as last week. B. 4 Rounds For Time; 15 HR Pushups or Incline Pushups 20 KB Swings -use as heavy a load as you’re able to maintain proficiency with.

Performance A. Back Squat 65%x10x4 *Use the SAME load as last week. B. 4 Rounds For Time; 10 Ring Dips 20 KB Swings 70/53lbs.

Thursday 11/8/18 CF Fitness A. Hang Clean (hip) 5x5- use a moderate load that allows for proficiency in receiving the bar lower in the squat. Aim to increase weight from last week by no more than 5-10lbs. B. Every 3:30 x 5 sets; Row 375/ 285M *Track pace/500M and aim to maintain splits within 5 seconds of each other.

Performance A. Clean + Hang Clean (mid-thigh) + Push Press + Jerk 65%x5 sets B. Every 3:30 x 5 sets; Row 500/ 375M *Track pace/500M and aim to maintain splits within 5 seconds of each other. **For every interval you finish OUTSIDE of the 5 sec window, you’ll owe

Friday 11/9/18 CF Fitness A. Stiff Legged Deadlift 4x10 B. For Reps; 3 Minutes at each station, 2 Minutes rest between stations; Station 1: DB Man-makers Station 2: Wall Balls Station 3: DU’s, Mixed DU’s or Jump Rope Station 4: Jumping C2B, or Jumping Pullups

Performance A. Stiff Legged Deadlift 4x10 B. For Reps; 3 Minutes at each station, 2 Minutes rest between stations; Station 1: Rope Climbs Station 2: Thrusters 75/55lbs. Station 3: DU’s Station 4: C2B Pullups

*CF Fitness & Performance- use the same loading as last week, in part A.

Saturday 11/10/18 CF Fitness With a partner, and only one person working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 Minutes of; 30 Goblet Walking Lunges 30 Partner Med-Ball Situps 30 Box Jumps/ Step ups 30 Devil’s Presses **Partners DO NOT need to use the same weights. Each person should warm up to, and chooses a weight that is challenging, but sustainable, and allows for proficient movement for THEM.

Performance For the brave, and those who enjoy discomfort... 3 Rounds, EACH for time, and as fast as possible: Bike 20 Calories 15 Power Jerks 125/85lbs. 20 Reverse, Front Rack Lunges 15 T2B Bike 20 Calories *Rest 10 Minutes b/t intervals. Track times and measure ability to maintain consistently high power output per set. This will be tested again at the end of the cycle. Each set should be within a range of 4-6 Minutes.

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