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  • Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

Week 1

Updated: Jan 3, 2019

*Link to Powerbuilding & Weightlifting Programs

**Link to Accessory Work

Monday 10/29/18

CF Fitness

A1; Seated Barbell Press x8-10, Rest 20 sec

A2; 3 Point Supported DB Row x8-10 EACH arm, Rest 2 Min x4 Sets

B. EMOM x15 Minutes

Min1: 8-10 Dips, Perfect Pushups, or Incline Pushups

Min2: 6-8 Assisted Pullups, or Ring Rows

Min3: 12 Wall Balls


A. Press 4x6 -bar is cleaned from floor. Build to a load that is challenging but still allows for proficient pressing technique

B. EMOM x15 Minutes

Min1: 8-10 Ring Dips

Min2: 6-8 Strict Pullups

Min3: 15 Wall Balls 20/14lbs

Tuesday 10/30/18

CF Fitness

A. Hang Muscle Snatch 3x5

B. Snatch Grip RDL 4x6

C. Bike 3 Minutes

Rest 2 Minutes

Row 3 Minutes

Rest 2 Minutes

Jump Rope (Singles ONLY) 3 Minutes

Rest 2 Minutes

3 Minute AMRAP:

5 DB Hang Squat Cleans- use a moderate load

3 Burpees


A. Muscle Snatch 3x5

B. Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch 65-70% (3+1) x4

C. Bike 3 Minutes

Rest 2 Minutes

Row 3 Minutes

Rest 2 Minutes

Jump Rope (Singles ONLY) 3 Minutes

Rest 2 Minutes

3 Minute AMRAP:

5 DB Hang Squat Cleans- use a moderate load

3 Burpees

Wednesday 10/31/18

CF Fitness

A. Squat 4x12-15 *If you are just starting out, or have not successfully completed the squat test, continue to train and improve the goblet squat.

B. 3 Rounds For Time;

25 DU’s/ attempts, or 100 Jump Rope

30 Goblet Walking Lunges -moderate

10 Box Jumps


A. Back Squat 65%x10x3

B. 3 Rounds For Time;

50 DU’s

30 Goblet Walking Lunges 24/16kg

10 Box Jumps 24/20in.

Thursday 11/1/18

CF Fitness

A. Hang Clean (hip) 5x5- use a moderate load that allows for proficiency in receiving the bar lower in the squat.

B. 12 Minute AMRAP;

10 Devil’s Presses- light to moderate

10 V-ups or Situps


A. Clean + Hang Clean (mid-thigh) + Push Press + Jerk 65%x4 sets

B. 12 Minute AMRAP;

10 Devil’s Presses 40/30lb DB’s

10 T2B

Friday 11/2/18

CF Fitness

A. Stiff Legged Deadlift 3x10

B. Every 3 Minutes x 18 Minutes ;

8 Renegade Rows

6 DB Thrusters -moderate

12/9 Calorie Row


A. Stiff Legged Deadlift 3x10

B. Every 3 Minutes x 18 Minutes ;

1 Rope Climb

6 Thrusters 95/65lbs.

12/9 Calorie AB

Saturday 11/3/18

CF Fitness

Complete 10 Rounds for Time with a partner, alternating EACH exercise, while only one partner works at a time.

9/6 Calorie Bike

15 Jumping C2B, or Jumping Pullups

15 KB Swings -moderate

15 Incline Pushups

12 DB Snatches - use a load that makes 12 reps challenging, but still allows quality movement


Complete 10 Rounds for Time with a partner, alternating EACH exercise, while only one partner works at a time.

10 Calorie Row

20 Pullups

20 KB Swings 70/53lbs.

20 HR Pushups

10 Power Snatches 115/85lbs.

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